Writing A Research Paper Thesis Statement: 7 Basic Points To Remember

The thesis statement is one of the most important things about your research paper. It might be just one or two sentences, but you need to realize that this is actually one section that can make you fail if you do not know what to do. With a good thesis statement your reader has the chance to know beforehand what you are working towards.

The following are some useful points that you need to think about when you are looking for help when writing this section in your work:

  1. The length of the statement
  2. Where should you place it?
  3. Specificity of the statement
  4. Clarity of the statement
  5. Generalizing the statement
  6. Your perception
  7. Be original
The length of the statement

In general, the thesis statement only needs to take up one or two sentences. Anything more than that will be irrelevant to the professor when marking your work. In these few words, you must clearly portray what you intend to do.

Where should you place it?

The statement needs to come as early in your essay as possible. If possible it should be a part of the introduction to your paper. If you bury it further into your work it will not be easy for the reader to understand it.

Specificity of the statement

There is no doubt about this one, the statement must always be as specific as you can manage to make it. Try not to put in too many words for these might make it misleading.

Clarity of the statement

While you might be specific in what you are talking about in this section, you must also make sure that you present it as clearly as possible. Leave no doubts in the mind of the reader.

Generalizing the statement

Do not present a statement that is too general. Due to the fact that it has to be supported by some evidence, make sure that you set this section to concepts that can be identifiable.

Your perception

It is important for you to ensure that as you write this section, you present your views, your perception of the subject so that the reader is clear from the word go.

Be original

While it might be possible for you to purchase some papers that have this section already done, make sure that you read and analyze it to ensure that it is original. You can also hire a writing professional to write my thesis that will be fully customized according to your needs.

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Helpful Sources

  • Thesis writers